Veranstaltung 241G1230 wurde in den Warenkorb gelegt.

Travelling: Sightseeing (B1)

Der Kurs liegt bereits im Warenkorb
Kursnummer 241G1230
Beginn Mi., 10.07.2024, 14:45 - 16:15 Uhr
Kursgebühr 15,00 €
Dauer 1 Termine
Kursleitung Dr. Cassandra Spaan
When sightseeing, especially when travelling around cultural sights, you may wish to enquire beyond the information provided. You may go sightseeing on your own and wish to find out some things from locals, but how do you start a conversation with total strangers? Maybe you are planning to travel abroad and have a particular scenario in mind, which you’d like to ask about. We will go through some sample situations, or alternatively, work with your own ideas.

Der Kurs liegt bereits im Warenkorb

14:45 - 16:15 Uhr
Lüpertzender Straße 85, VHS am Sonnenhausplatz;3.Stock;Raum 307